This page contains the Internet version of my resume. You can see what knowledge and experience I have acquired.
Please feel free to e-mail me or to connect to me on Linkedin.
I also have some small web apps at containing tools I made over the years. I mostly made it for personal use, but perhaps others find it useful as well. It ranges from an interactive trainer for solving Rubik’s Cubes (requires a web browser with WebGL) to a personal knowledge base. Here you can see my first (1996), second (2001) and third (2013) homepage.
“Compact Amsterdamse Paedo-Audiometrische Screener” (1988-1993)
Developed a prototype of “CAPAS” for the NSDSK (Dutch foundation for deaf children). CAPAS measures how well the ears of very young children, usually around 9 months, work. By determining hearing problems as soon as possible, CAPAS allows optimal treatment of children with hearing problems. Millions of children have been screened with CAPAS. My own children have been screened as well, a neat way to meet your own work.
HyperPACS (1989-1993)
Developed a complete Picture Archiving and Communication System (PACS) / teleradiology system for Eudnics BV. I developed this application from scratch together with Robert Lindeman. HyperPACS has been implemented in over 130 medical institutions all over the world.
UltraCompressor II (1992-1996)
UltraCompressor II (UC2) is a private project of myself and Danny Bezemer with help from Jan-Pieter Cornet. UC2 compresses 10-50% better than PKZIP. You can still download UC2, or find thousands of places to get a serial number for it (I don’t mind, but be careful with sites like that).
If you are interested in data compression, the Lossless Datacompression Kit I made in 1992 might be a good place to start. In contains the C source of many different compression methods. The full source code of UC2 is also available. In 2021 Jan Bobrowski created a portable UC2 decompress utility.
Multi Project Planner (MPP) for Windows (1993-1995)
Technical management of a development team to create the first Windows version of Multi Project Planner (MPP) for UCC (now Sogeti). MPP is based on Microsoft Project and is designed for large organizations with lots of projects and dedicated resource managers. MPP has been implemented in over 10 large Dutch companies.
MPP 98:
TheCLQ.COM / AllGameServers.COM (1998-2003, 2008-2012)
In 1998 I created the original CLQ site. It was a successful high traffic site with achieved about 200,000,000 pageviews The original CLQ kept track of 250,000,000 minutes of gameplay data every week. To achieve the amount of data processing needed for this I have build a custom IMDB (in memory database) capable of processing 100,000 transactions per second.
The Dutch television program Business Update did have an item on The CLQ.
In 2008 I created a new CLQ site from scratch and also made it available as The new site was based on Open Source technology. It used modern SSD hardware and custom made database technology to allow for real time statistics of over 50,000,000 gamers on about 1,100,000 game servers. The total for both CLQ sites has been 242,180,072 pageviews.
The full source code, can be found here.
UCC Content Managent System (CMS) (1999-2002)
UCC CMS was a “keep it simple” content management system where the user only needs a browser for WYSIWYG content management. Not yet the usual aproach in 1999. In 8 months UCC CMS was created from scratch and implemented at 8 customer sites. It was entirely based on Microsoft technology and has been used for sites processing up to 1,000,000 pageviews per hour. (2007-2025)
DVGaming.COM is an active online community where people play online video games and interact on the forum and in the popular chat box. There is a lot of active participation of people creating game modifications and game content.
Unreal Tournament 3 modifications (2007-2008)
Created several extentions to the UT3 game, e.g. BattleRPG and Battle Team Arena. Also submitted these to the “Make Something Unreal Contest” and won several prizes. Epic Games producer Jeff Morris: “The BattleRPG mutator’s incredibly elaborate leveling features make it stand out in my mind”.
BattleRPG in German PC game magazine Gamestar:
Google Android apps / Apple iOS apps (2009-2021)
At first I created a few apps for the Google Android platform to learn how the platform works, especially when you want superfast (native) applications. Later I switched to the LUA based Corona development platform. I made the Bunny TD tower defense game. I also remade 2D Ballz Physics Toy which now has over 25,000 downloads. These apps are available on both phones and tablets for both Android and iOS. Getting Apple to approve my Bunny TD game was a challenge in itself.
Bunny TD:
OpenIMS (2002-2025)
I created OpenIMS, which is an open platform for CMS (content), DMS (documents), EMS (e-mail), PS (portals) and BPMS (business processes and electronic forms). OpenIMS has been implemented at over 100 organizations. Currently OpenIMS is maintained by a team of over 10 developers.
Professional Experience
Summary (1988-2025)
I have been responsible for the creation of 3 successful business units (a Client/Server business unit, a Microsoft business unit and an R&D business unit) and 5 successful companies (AIP, BITECH, UCC Econom-i, UCC Business Solutions and OpenSesame ICT). I have over 20 years of experience in all aspects of ICT projects: design, development, consultancy and project management. I purposely keep doing all these different activities to keep my skills and experience up to date.
- NSDSK (1988-1989)
- TNO (1989)
- Acorn Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (USA 1989)
- Eudinics (1989-1991)
- AIP-NL / BITECH (own company 1990-1992 together with Robert Lindeman and Hans Peer)
- Sogeti (formerly Transiciel, UCC) (1992-2002)
- OpenSesame ICT (own company 2002-2025 together with Wieger Kunst and Eric van Korven)
Business Experience (various projects)
Finance, real property and insurance
ABN AMRO, AEX/Euronext, Arma, Bouwfonds / Rabo Vastgoed, Deutsche Bank Singapore, Inkasso Unie, NS Vastgoed, Staalbankiers, Van Lanschot Rosenthal Assurantiën and Rabobank.
Trade, industry and transportation
Arma, ASM, Ballast Nedam, Berenschot, Ciba-Geigy, Cofely, Fokker, Fujifilm, Kantic/Guilbert, KLM, Laurus, Nederlandse Spoorwegen, OTB, Purac, RET, Shell, Siemens, Smit, Stork and Veltman.
Telecommunications, media and services
Adformatie, Aequor, Cognos, Cordys, EuroNed, In View, KPN, Logiplan, NOB, Samsom, SNT, Stoas and Utopics.
Adhesie, Antonius Ziekenhuis, Base Groep, Bureau Jeugdzorg Haaglanden, De Hoenderloo Groep, De Waarden, Deventer Ziekenhuis, Dunamis, GGD Hollands Noorden, GGZ Dimence, GGZ Karakter, Sint Maartenskliniek, Stichting Kinder- en Jeugdpsychiatrie and Zwolse Poort. The Dutch magazine Computable published an article I wrote on ICT in healthcare.
Government and non-profit
AOb Algemene Onderwijsbond, CPB Centraal Planbureau, Ctgb, EVC, Gemeente Alkmaar, Gemeente Rotterdam, Kenniscentrum voor Sociale Investeringen, Ministerie van Financiën, Ministerie van Buitenlandse zaken, Ministerie van VROM, Nioz, ONS Groep, Openbare Vlaamse Afvalstoffenmaatschappij (OVAM), RET, Staatsloterij, Vlaamse Milieumaatschappij (VMM) and Vlaamse Maatschappij voor Watervoorziening (VMW).
Technology and methodologies
Scrum, Agile, Extreme Programming, ITIL, PRINCE2, PINO, FCO-NIAM, RUP, RAD, Jackson, Yourdon, Object Oriented, Dynamic SDM, OLAP, Cloud, Service-oriented architecture (SOA), Business Intelligence, Balanced Scorecard and Data Warehousing.
MongoDB, Oracle, Microsoft SQL-Server, IBM DB2, MySQL, MariaDB, MS-Access and xBase (Clipper, FoxPro, dBase).
Programming Languages
LUA, PHP, Python, SQL, C, C++, C#, Regular Expressions, Visual Basic, VB.NET, VBA, VBScript, shell script, PowerShell, AutoIt, AutoHotKey, Delphi, Pascal, Modula II, Oberon, PowerBuilder, COBOL, Assembler, JavaScript, Java, Forth, LISP, Prolog, ASP, ASPX, JSP, Perl and PostScript.
Operating Systems
UNIX (HP/UX, Linux, Solaris), OS/2, Novell Netware, Google Android, iOS, VMWare, Windows, Citrix, Chrome OS and Chromium OS.
Node.js, ExpressJS, KeystoneJS, CSS, jQuery, HTML5, XHTML, COM/DNA/.NET, SOAP, WSDL, REST, JSON, AJAX, SGML, YAML and XML.
1990 – 1992 Doctoraal Informatica (Information and Computing Sciences)
, Utrecht University
Mathematics, formal methods, demonstrably correct programming, system analyses and design, attribute grammars and program analyses, computer algorithms, object oriented systems, software ergonomics, computer graphics, geometrical algorithms, cryptography, project management, artificial intelligence, parallel computing, logical programming, functional programming, term rewriting systems, combinatorial optimizations and system implementation.
1986 – 1990 Informatica HIO-TI (Information and Communications Technology)
, Hogeschool Utrecht
Software engineering, electronics, computer aided software engineering (CASE), technical information systems, data communication, various programming languages, various operating systems, computer graphics, communicative skills, management, business knowledge, databases, CAD/CAM and expert systems.
Personal information
Drs. ing. Nico E. de Vries
Nico de Vries, born june 8th 1967 in Utrecht, the Netherlands. Married, 3 children. Please feel free to e-mail me or to connect to me on Linkedin.